
Wiro Sableng Hd

Film anime sub indo

Synopsis & Details A long time ago on the island of Java, in a time when ordinary men had extraordinary fighting skills and super strength, a small village is invaded and overcome by bandits. The parents of four year-old Wiro Sableng are killed and he is rescued in the nick of time by eccentric old female warrior Sinto Gendeng. She raised and trains him in the secretive martial art called silat, grooming him to be the next 212 Dragon Axe Warrior. After 17 years, Wiro inherits the mighty 212 Axe and sets off to face the man who murdered his parents and put an end to his evil plans.

  1. Wiro Sableng Free Download
  2. Wiro Sableng Hd 2018

Wiro Sableng Free Download


Wiro Sableng Hd 2018

Wiro Sableng 212 adalah film populer dari tahun 1990-an hingga 2000 dan terus meningkat di antara orang-orang pada saat itu. Dan tentunya anak-anak, remaja dan orang dewasa, dan bahkan kakek-nenek akan akrab dengan film ini.