
Learning Bengali Language

Learning Bengali Language for foreigners could be handy while traveling Bangladesh. Most educated people at Bangladesh can understand and speak English. So it will not be any problem in your travel if you can’t speak Bengali. But if you can speak a little Bengali/Bangla, you can win the heart of any local people here in less then a minute. So if you have any plan to stay longer at Bangladesh, it is advisable that you learn some Bengali. Here are some of the institutes where you can learn Bengali very well: Institute of Modern Language, Dhaka University This institute has short and long course on Bengali for the foreigners.

A library and five language labs are available for the students. Being a public university, it is also cheap.

You can contact: Prof. Monsur Musa Bengali Language Department monsur.musa@yahoo.com Dhaka Language Club They have 2 campus at Banani & Dhanmondi. Provide short course on Bengali language for foreigners. Road-10, House-25, Banani, Dhaka. Heed Language Center They provide several short courses on Bengali whole year long. House # 96, Road # 13/C, Block # E, Banani, Dhaka-1213 Phone: +390, +028, +2281 E-mail: suptisusan@yahoo.com LearnBangla Bangla learning center They have language course from beginners to advance level. Have good materials to assist learning.

Learning the Bengali language with us can be a fun experience as we will help you master in tongue-twisting and tongue-rolling, which is very important when you learn Bengali. The program is structured to get you speaking Bengali as quickly as possible through a communicative method.

House # 57, Road # 7/A, Block # H Banani, Dhaka-1213 Know about any other language center? Let us know in the comment.

Swāgatam – Welcome Bengali, also called Bangala, Bangla, Bangla-Bhasa, belongs to the Eastern group of the branch of the Along with, it is the easternmost of all Indo-European languages. In English, Bengali refers to both the language and the people who speak it. In Bengali, the language is called Bangla ( bangla means ‘low’). The direct ancestors of Bengali are, and. The total number of speakers of Bengali worldwide is 189 million , making it the seventh most spoken language in the world after Chinese, Spanish, English, Hindi, Arabic, and Portuguese.

Status Bangladesh Bengali is the national language of where it is spoken as a first language by 106 million, and as a second language by 20 million speakers. In India, it is tatutory provincial language in West Bengal, Tripura, Assam states India Bengali is one of the 23 official languages of India, where it is spoken by 82.5 million people and the second most-spoken language after –. It is spoken in West Bengal; Tripura; Jharkhand, Dhanbad, Manbhum, Singhbhum, and Santal Parganas; Odisha, Mayar and Bales; Bihar; Assam, and Goalpara district. It is a s tatutory provincial language in West Bengal, Tripura, and Assam. In addition to Bangladesh and India, Bengali is spoken in Nepal, Pakistan, the Middle East, Europe, the U.S., and Canada. Spoken Bengali is best described as a continuum of regional dialects.

Some of them are not mutually intelligible. The standard form of Bengali, accepted in and in is based on the West-Central dialect as spoken by educated people in (formerly Calcutta) back in the 19th century. Is widespread, with many speakers being able to use both formal standard Bengali and their own regional dialect. There are two styles of speaking which exist side-by- side: conservative high-style literary language which frequently uses borrowings from Sanskrit, and informal everyday language. Grammar Bengali is an inflected language, i.e., it uses prefixes and suffixes to mark grammatical relations and to form words. Bengali typically uses postpositions, rather than prepositions.

Require that the noun take a certain case. Nouns Thee are no gender distinctions, but Bengali nouns have the following characteristics:. Nouns are marked for case:, and –. There are two numbers: singular and plural. Plural markers are added only to count nouns with animate or definite referents. Animacy is marked in the plural. Definiteness is marked with post-posited -ţa in the singular, and -gula in the plural for inanimate nouns and – ra for animate nouns, e.g., juta-ţa ‘the shoe ‘, juta-gula ‘the shoes’, and chatro-ţa ‘the student’ and chatro-ra ‘the students’.

Bengali uses classifiers when counting nouns (similar to neighboring South Asian languages), e.g., panch- jon-chatro ‘five- human classifier-students’. There are three persons: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. There is no gender distinction in the 3rd person. There are three degrees of proximity in the 3rd person (someone who is nearby, someone who is a little further away, and someone who is not present.

Pronouns. There are three persons: 1st, 2nd, 3rd. There is no gender distinction in the 3rd person. There are three degrees of proximity in the 3rd person: someone who is nearby, someone who is a little further away, and someone who is not present. Verbs Bengali verbs agree with their subjects in person and status category.

There are three persons (1st, 2nd, 3rd). There are three status categories in the 2nd person (despective, ordinary, honorific) and two status categories in the 3rd person (ordinary, honorific). Verb stems are derived from verbal monosyllabic or disyllabic verbal bases. Markers are combined to produce various mood/aspect/tense combinations;. There are three moods:,. Ttwo aspects are distinguished:. Verbs have three tenses: present, past, future. Bengali verbs use a post-verbal negative particle.

Word order The normal word order in Bengali sentences is Subject-Object-Verb. Adjectives and genitive constructions expressing possession precede nouns.

Vocabulary Bengali vocabulary is a mixture of native Bengali words, and borrowings from Sanskrit, as well as from neighboring languages such as, and several indigenous languages of Bangladesh. A history of invasions from Persia and the Middle East resulted in many borrowings from,. European colonialism brought borrowings from English,. Below are some common words and phrases in Bengali in Latin transcription. Ā represents a long /a/. Hello ei je, nomosker, assalumu alyikum Goodbye. Assi Thank you.

Dhonyobad Please doya kore Excuse me. Māf korben Yes. Na Man purus, manus Woman nari, mohila. Bengali has a rich literature dating back to 1000 AD. All literature prior to the19th century was in rhymed verse. The writing system of Modern Bengali developed from an ancient Indian syllabary called Brāhmī.

Brāhmī is the ancestor of all other Indian scripts, including Devanāgarī, a writing system associated with classical as well as a number of modern languages. The Brāhmī alphabet is thought to have been modeled on the or alphabets. It appeared in India sometime before 500 BC, and was used to write a variety of languages, including and The present form of the Bengali script was standardized In 1778 to facilitate printing. It has 12 vowel and 52 consonant characters. Like all Brāhmī-derived scripts, Bengali is written from left to right with the characters hanging from a horizontal line.

No distinction is made between upper and lower case characters. The Bengali alphabet is written with a syllable-based system in which all consonants have an inherent vowel which is not always predictable, and sometimes, is not pronounced at all. Special diacritics are used to represent a single consonant or a single vowel. Take a look at Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Bengali and in transliteration. Note use of vertical lines to mark the end of sentences. Bengali script ধারা ১: সমস্ত মানুষ স্বাধীনভাবে সমান মর্যাদা এবং অধিকার নিয়ে জন্মগ্রহণ করে। তাঁদের বিবেক এবং বুদ্ধি আছে; সুতরাং সকলেরই একে অপরের প্রতি ভ্রাতৃত্বসুলভ মনোভাব নিয়ে আচরণ করা উচিৎ। Samasta mānuṣa svādhīnabhābē samāna marẏādā ēbaṃ adhikāra niyē janmagrahaṇa karē. Tṃādēra bibēka ēbaṃ buddhi ācē; sutarāṃ sakalēra-i ēkē aparēra prati bhrātṛtvasulabha manōbhāba niyē ācaraṇa karā ucit.


My Languages Bengali

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience. Therefore, they should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Love is blue song lyrics Paul Mauriat wrote the instrumental version of love is blue in 1968. Original performance at euro vision 67. The video I just put below the song is the first performance of love is blue.