
12 Tenses In Urdu

  1. The 12 Tenses In English

The reason to repeat the tenses again and again is that so at the end of the video you must at least be able to answer questions regarding tenses. 1- The structure of the tense. 2- What is used as helping verb in each tense. 3- Which form of verb is used in each tense.

Future indefinite tense in urdu

4- What is the reason to start the tenses from continuous? 5- Why did we not use the conventional method of learning from the very first tense(Indefinite) 6- Why did I not tell anything about VERB, ADVERB, NOUN, PRONOUN and so. GenYoutube is a fast Youtube video downloader service. Now download videos in all formats from Youtube using GenYoutube video downloader.


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12 Verb Tenses ESL HOME PAGE The Twelve Tenses of English PRESENT (main verb) I study English. He studies English. PAST (past tense of main verb) I studied English.

He studied English. FUTURE (will or shall + main verb) I will study English. He will study English. PRESENT PERFECT (have or has + past participle of verb) I have studied English. He has studied English. PAST PERFECT (had + past participle of verb) I had studied English. He had studied English.

FUTURE PERFECT (will or shall + have + past participle of verb) I will have studied English. He will have studied English. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (form of 'be' verb + 'ing' form of main verb) I am studying English. He is studying English. PAST PROGRESSIVE (past tense of form 'be' verb + 'ing' form of main verb) I was studying English.

12 Tenses In Urdu

The 12 Tenses In English

He was studying English. FUTURE PROGRESSIVE (will or shall +be + 'ing' form of main verb) I will be studying English. He will be studying English. PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE (have or has + been + 'ing' form of main verb) I have been studying English. He has been studying English.

PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE (had + been + 'ing' form of main verb) I had been studying English. He had been studying English. FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE (will or shall + have + been + 'ing' form of main verb) I will have been studying English. He will have been studying English.